What is Hatha Yoga?
Hatha Yoga is a holistic and systematic approach for personal growth and wholeness, refining the mind through a process of personal practice Sādhana, or ‘means’ as the experiential reference for the student towards a balanced and integrated state of being. It is not about adopting a set of beliefs, but about coming “to know” through one’s own experience.
The tools of yoga are implemented to understand the nature of mind and to remove obstacles kleshas (impurities) to seeing things as they really are. The goal of yoga is to change the samskaras (latent impressions) in the mind so that there is spontaneous or natural underlying calmness in the mind. The Eight-Limbed Path of Yoga progressively takes us from the gross to the subtle through deep internal focus of the mind towards mental steadiness and when the mind is refined toward clarity it reflects our true nature. We are able to make decisions and take action that leads us to radiant health and freedom.
“Yoga is an awareness, a type of knowing. Yoga will end in awareness. When the mind is without any movement, maybe for a quarter of an hour, or even quarter of a minute, you will realise that yoga is of the nature of infinite awareness, and infinite knowing” – Sri T.Krishnamacharya
Hatha Yoga is the methodology that integrates body, breath & mind in a seamless process. The practice includes Asana (postures), Pranayama (breathing techniques), Bandha (energy locks), Bhavana (connection with the divine source), Mudras (seals), Vinyasa Krama (intelligent sequencing), Relaxation, Dhyanam (Meditation), Visualization, Mantras and Chanting. It also incorporates the study of ancient texts and the application of the principles of Yoga Psychology through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, as well as the study of Ayurveda for constitutional, diet and lifestyle inquiries. In this way yoga becomes a way of life that connects body, mind and heart and is supportive in helping to maintain physical health, psychological vitality and spiritual purpose within the commitment and challenges of life, work and relationships. Read more about our approach.

What we offer
At Pure Nature Yoga we facilitate a powerful combination of mindful asana, fluidity of movement, breath awareness, biomechanics of anatomy, fascial work, meditation, mindfulness, restorative, embodiment techniques, ayurveda, philosophy, yoga psychology, qigong, sound and vibrational healing. Our primary focus is on conscious movement, meditative and contemplative practices to mindfully build strength and flexibility, create space, steadiness and awareness within the body and mind affecting the physical body, nervous system, immune system, and emotional health of the individual.
Pure Nature Yoga offers a range of yoga classes for all levels of experience. From the strong focus of breath-centred Classical Hatha to a more physically dynamic Slow Mindful Flow, as well as a deeply opening and relaxing Restorative Class. We also teach Qigong based Calligraphy Yoga, Self-Myofascial Release, and specialized Therapeutic Yoga Classes as well as Sacred Sound Baths.
We must start from where we are:
“Suffering is the starting point for the Yoga journey of four steps from:
the symptom (duḥkha or suffering/dissatisfaction);
through to the cause (avidyā or illusion);
to the path (kaivalya or independence);
to the means (aṣṭāṅga or 8 limbed path) for viveka or discrimination.
This fourfold process is at the heart of Yoga, Āyurveda and Buddhism.”
Pure Nature Yoga offers Yoga, Sound and Mindfulness as highly effective therapeutic tools to educate, embody and empower individuals. Offering Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Trainings, Yoga Therapy, YACEP Workshops & Retreats
Email: info@purenatureyoga.com
Phone: +66 949033077
Whatsapp: +66 949033077