What is Vibrational Therapy?
Based on scientific principles Vibrational Therapy helps to restore balance and health by bringing specific frequencies back into harmony. Everything in the universe is in a state of vibration and we ourselves are vibrational beings. All matter vibrates to a precise frequency.
Our cells and organs are supported by a variety of specialised energy-distributing systems fed by nutrients and oxygen as well as a stream of life-force energy. This has long been acknowledged in Eastern healing, known as either qi or prana. This energy can be enhanced or inhibited by various factors.
Dis-ease is a result of this vibration not flowing freely in the body creating discordant energy. Past emotions, traumas and habitual tendencies are stored within our being in every cell causing us to easily become imbalanced.
Through the use of vibratory tools, including light, colour, sound and crystals the resonance of vibration can break up these blockages, releasing energy and therefore disease often falls away. The vibrations are a catalyst for high transformation of our being.
Integrative Vibrational Therapy
Integrative Vibrational Therapy is an approach to healing that combines sound through singing bowls and tuning forks with the foundational support of Shamanic Practices, Drumming and Gong meditation. In addition to this Reiki energy, Pranic Healing, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Conscious Breath Work and the Ajna Light may also be incorporated to balance your energy field, to clear, open and restore the system back into balance.
Based on the idea that we are all unique energy systems and because of the nature of how energetic blockages occur, treatment is specific to the individual. Honouring each person whom may need different applications to cleanse and rebalance the body’s energy.
The deep vibrational sound of the bowls directly access the cellular memory to release blocked energy and bring you back into a deeper sense of well being. Hearing and being bathed in harmonious sounds leads to rapid and effective deep relaxation and the rich overtones take you to a very deep place inside yourself.
We will give guidance on what will be most beneficial treatment for you at this time depending on your needs. Sessions vary in length depending on what we encounter in a session, on average the duration is between 20 mins to 3 hours long. Rates are are established on an individualized basis according to the type and frequency of healing work required.
See here for further information regarding Sound Therapy.
For Dimitri’s profile.
To read more about other modalities which may also be used please read the treatment descriptions and their benefits below.

Individual Benefits:
- Pain management or resolution
- Increased Sleep for people suffering from Sleep Disorders
- Increased Immune Cell Activity
- Increased Brain Functioning
- Stress Reduction through deep relaxation
- Relief of tensions and blockages
- Enhanced immune system function
- Improved digestion
- Awakening of creativity
- Inner peace and happiness
- Better memory and concentration
Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing is a highly evolved and tested system of energy medicine developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. It is a holistic form of no-touch therapy that uses energy techniques to re-energize and heal the body. Pranic Healing brings balance, harmony and transformation of the body’s energy processes by cleansing away blockages and imbalances held in the energy field and then by projecting fresh vital energy to the affected area.
Chronic stress and physical and emotional imbalances in our lives can disrupt the healthy flow of energy through our system and this soon manifests as sickness and disease. Pranic Healing helps to improve the quality of our every day lives by addressing ailments that first appear as energetic disruptions in the aura before manifesting as problems in the physical body. These imbalances are congestion or depletion in our energy bodies that underlie all physical, mental, emotional & spiritual disorders.
In ancient Chinese Medical Science, there are five levels of healing, the highest being the projection of chi energy without the use of needles or physical contact. External Medical Chi Kung is known as Pranic Healing that uses chi energy from the air and the earth and directs it to the patient for healing. Master Chao Kok Sui taught that there are eleven major acupuncture points known as the chakras. The greater one’s internal chi power, the greater the capacity to absorb and to project chi energy to the patient. Internal chi power can be developed through meditation and certain practices like yogic physical and breathing practices
A Basic Healing involves a scan and diagnosis of the aura and energy bodies for illness. Followed by cleansing and energizing the energy centres to assist the problem.
Advanced Healing methods depending on the client may incorporate
- Chromo Healing (meditation healing with colours)
- Crystal Healing (mainly pyramids)

Individual benefits:
- Physical Injuries
- Chronic Conditions
- Emotional Imbalances
- Prevent chronic & acute diseases
- Negative Patterns
- Self Protection
- Create a Harmonious Environment
Cranio-Sacral Therapy
A gentle, subtle, yet very profound healing modality that enables a connection with your anatomy and physiology and effectively resets and rebalances your nervous system, muscles, tissues and systems in your body. It is founded on the concept that the body-mind complex has the innate ability to heal itself, always striving for optimal function and health. Dimitri works with an Upledger Foundation and Biodynamic and Shamanic Approach.
CST works by evaluating and enhancing the tissue and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord, what’s known as the cranio sacral system. A wave-like cranio sacral pulse or rhythm moving through the central nervous system governs this, and travels throughout the body and influences health and function on physical, mental and emotional levels. This flow can be blocked by stress, injury or illness preventing the body’s ability to heal and lead to long-term pain and poor health. CST helps support all aspects of health by releasing superficial deeper held trauma from the body, and facilitates the body’s natural processes for healing.

Individual benefits:
- Improved memory and mental clarity
- Greater emotional clarity and balance
- Release of restrictive physical, mental and/or emotional patterns
- Increased energy and vitality
- Enhanced self-awareness
- Headaches
- Chronic Fatigue
- TMJ Dysfunction
- Strengthens nervous system
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing that everyone can use. Reiki means “Universal Life Energy,” channeling energy to you in a non-invasive, gentle, yet powerful way. It is one of the oldest healing systems in use and also one of the most versatile.
This ancient Japanese method of healing activates the natural healing processes of the client and restores physical and emotional wellbeing. It is a proven method of treatment for people with major illness or minor ailments, and is often used as a complimentary therapy in clinics. So it works alongside other medical practices as well as on its own.
It provides a significant shift in mind, body, and spirit. You will experience deep relaxation, slower heart rate and easier breathing, as well as a renewed clarity and purpose.

Individual Benefits:
- Inner peace and harmony
- Balances the mind and emotions
- Pain Management from migraine, arthritis, sciatica
- Reduces symptoms of asthma, chronic fatigue, menopausal, insomnia
- Speeds up recovery from surgery and long term illness
- Improved sleep & digestion
- Enhanced well-being & stronger self-esteem
Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
The Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer creates a 45-page report on your current state of health. It is known for it’s speed and accuracy and is a convenient way to have a health check. The Analyzer reads various functional systems of the body and is able to identify what your present health concerns may be. It also indicates if you are heading towards a state of imbalance either deficiently or excessively before you even show any symptoms.
Health data is collected within minutes simply by holding sensors in your palm. The human body emits differing signals of electromagnetic waves from the cells, depending on the conditions of good health, sub-health, diseases etc.
There are over 30 main analysis items reported such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular condition, bone mineral density, trace elements, blood lead, rheumatism, lung and respiratory tract, nephropathy, blood sugar, stomach and intestines, liver and gall, cranial nerves, gynecology, prostate, bone disease, the trace elements of selenium, iron, zinc and calcium, etc.

E-Power Machine
The E-Power Machine provides Negative Potential Energy (Energy for Rest), by generating 70KHz of high frequency electrical waves, using your body as a capacitor. The internal energy created calms and revitalizes you, producing a balance electrical field.
The electrical potential of the human body decreases with age and in turn this can cause illness. High frequency with Negative Potential Energy balances the functions of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions) on both sides of the cell membrane. This helps to build immunity and promotes faster metabolism, and so your body actually needs this energy source to thrive.
Negative Potential Energy helps to enhance muscle strength; improve blood circulation; balance and maintain organ function; improve your capacity for recovery; reduces inflammation; encourages continuous cell reactivation and increases collagen. Great for arthritis, rheumatism, bruises, fractures, nerve tension, paralysis and more.

Tuition: Crystals, Energizing Water & Space Clearing
Dimitri provides personal tuition on request in the basic practices below to assist you on your path. He will work with you and ensure that you have the knowledge needed in order to use these tools effectively. This tuition is not a course in healing modalities but rather to introduce you to some simple tools and techniques or further enhance what you may already do.
In crystal workshops you need to buy beforehand only clear quartz crystals spherical or pyramid shaped. We can transform them to function as diamond, ruby, emerald, yellow or blue sapphire, pearl, coral or rose quartz etc. This is why clear quartz is the most powerful. After the workshop you will be able to program any jewellery or any other gem stone to amplify its healing power. Programmed clear quartz crystal reduces the workload of healer. You can sell crystal pyramids to your clients and teach them how to use them for their self healing.
- Properties of crystals
- How to clean, energize and use them in healing
- How to programme them to enhance your healing powers: A programmed crystal can protect you from carpal tunnel syndrome, vision syndrome and harmful electro-magnetic radiation of computer, mobile phones and televisions
- How to use crystals for psychic self-defense
- Save your house, business premises or any place from lower and negative energy of others
- Extract, absorb, disintegrate and expel any kind of sickness
- Neutralize psychic impression acquired in this life.
- Enhance love, compassion, understanding in any kind of relationship
- Help you to increase your sale and prosperity
- Energize water to be used as natural medicine
Dimitri can also be hired for a Ceremonial Space Clearing at your house, work space or for a special event.

Pyramid Meditation
We may offer the experience in a pyramid, a geometric amplifier that enhances ones meditation and level of consciousness. It is a sacred shape and any kind of meditation, healing or therapy done under it, is said to become much more effective. Meditation inside a pyramid increases feelings of calmness, positivity and consciousness. Pyramids provide most effective high-energy environments for beginners of meditation and they greatly help to reduce the level of stress and tension in the physical body. They also help to preserve and heal having a positive effect on one’s health.
This Pyramid is constructed on the principles of Giza Pyramid, oriented exactly in the North – South direction, having the golden angle of inclination at 51° 50’ on all sides and the King’s Chamber located at the center to 1/3rd the height of the Pyramid. Being aligned towards the magnetic North direction has the greatest effect because a metallic pyramid harnesses the electromagnetic field of the earth & concentrates its energies onto its surface, where the metal is. The maximum energy is said to be concentrated in the one-third area from its top.

Make A Booking
For further details or if you have any queries please contact us, we will be happy to hear from you!
Pure Nature Yoga offers Yoga, Sound and Mindfulness as highly effective therapeutic tools to educate, embody and empower individuals. Offering Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Trainings, Yoga Therapy, YACEP Workshops & Retreats
Email: info@purenatureyoga.com
Phone: +66 949033077
Whatsapp: +66 949033077