YACEP Courses coming in 2021 accredited by Yoga Alliance! To further your education (CE) if you are a Registered Yoga Teacher, or explore tools and techniques to enrich your own practice if you are a student. These short courses will focus on the Therapeutic Essentials of Yoga, much needed to be able to adapt practice for the modern lifestyle, in terms of structural imbalances, mental health and women’s wellness.
Yoga for Emotional Balance (3 hours)
24 Dec – 31 March (periodically)
Island Yoga, Koh Yao Noi
Most people will experience intense ups and downs at some stage of their lives. Stress, anxiety and depression have become such a modern day epidemic to the extent that they become the typical undercurrent of our life. A more personalised yoga practice specifically for these conditions can help immensely.
Explore therapeutic yoga techniques for chronic stress, insomnia, anxiety, low mood, fatigue and depression. Learn how to apply Yogic mindfulness skills to your practice and in daily life. Cultivate a deeper sense of embodiment and awareness to achieve mental steadiness and clarity. Transform negative thought cycles and create new neural pathways through adaptive asana, breathing patterns, mantra, meditation and deep relaxation. Develop the strength, inner calm and focus to make better choices in life and a more positive outlook.
Yoga for Women’s Wellness (3 hours)
24 Dec – 31 March (periodically)
Island Yoga, Koh Yao Noi
Effective practices to empower and bring vibrant health and radiance during times of hormonal and emotional imbalance. Apply the wisdom tools of Yoga and Ayurveda to support, nourish and restore the body during menstruation and menopause. Honour your natural rhythms and connect to the changing needs of the body and mind to live with wisdom and wholeness.
A woman’s menstrual cycle is a gift that is unique to them, and can be viewed as such, instead of being viewed as a nuisance or inconvenience. Through grounded holistic tools we can transform pain and discomfort into positivity, strength, mental calm and embodied presence to live your highest potential. Explore techniques to relieve symptoms of PMS, Endometriosis, Irregular or no periods, cramps, mood swings, lower back pain, fatigue, hot flushes, stress, anxiety and depression.
Myo-Fascial Explorations (2.5 hours)
24 Dec – 31 March (periodically)
Island Yoga, Koh Yao Noi
SMR is a highly effective technique, which facilitates the release of muscle fibres (myo) and connective tissue (fasciae). It is a type of self-massage that focuses on correcting restrictions of movement brought about by excessive sitting, bad posture, imbalanced athletics, emotional stress, injury or ageing.
Explore safe and effective techniques using blocks and small balls to break down scar tissue, relax the muscles, correct posture, and restore mobility and function. When fascia is damaged it tightens and pulls in a specific area of the body restricting movement in the rest of the body also. We will uncover ways to release the upper body, mainly for shoulders, neck and chest, the lower back and hips. Enhance structural balance, energy flow, self-awareness and understand your body in a whole new way.
I found the myofascial release workshop amazing. I’ve had a big knot and tension in my left shoulder for 3 years and up till now have not been able to get rid of it with acupuncture or massage. Since the workshop my shoulder tension and knot have gone completely! I have tried the sequence again since I’ve been home, although it can be uncomfortable I find it so relaxing. I had the biggest release from the first session but I will keep doing it to prevent any further tension build up.
Thank you for sharing your gifts so freely. It was really was an amazing workshop. I appreciated and valued your informed and professional introduction. I appreciated your clear explanations and space holding. Above all I am extremely grateful for your connection to the group and the empathy and love within your guidance that seem to come from a deeply connected place. Your work I believe will make a real difference to my life.
Make A Booking
For further details or if you have any queries please contact us, we will be happy to hear from you!
Pure Nature Yoga offers Yoga, Sound and Mindfulness as highly effective therapeutic tools to educate, embody and empower individuals. Offering Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Trainings, Yoga Therapy, YACEP Workshops & Retreats
Email: info@purenatureyoga.com
Phone: +66 949033077
Whatsapp: +66 949033077