Pure Nature Yoga is dedicated to helping you on your path of ‘Awakening Resonance’ and personal discovery. To provide an authentic experience into awareness practices and wholehearted living. To keep the teachings real and relevant, adapted for the modern body and modern lifestyle through high quality instruction and specialization. Pure Nature Yoga is not a style or brand of yoga, but rather a school that offers a fundamental education in therapeutic yoga to support personal growth, and empower individuals to be an active participant in their own process of change. PNY (Educate Embody Empower) was formulated in 2013 derived from Yogic, Tibetan Buddhist and Tao Traditions.
The meaning of ‘Pure Nature Yoga’ is connecting to Nature, the Earth and the Elements, and returning to the Stillness that lies deep within us all. This is our pure nature. Yoga is ultimately about letting go, creating space and resting in a natural state of awareness, beyond likes and dislikes.
on the science and fundamental practices of Yoga, Mindfulness, and Sound through experiential learning and integrative holistic approach. Honouring the traditional aspects while adapting to modern times and recognizing the value of different paths and bodies
for deeper stability and intimacy with ourselves, others and life itself, by inhabiting the body fully, with wisdom and compassion. Through the body’s innate intelligence experience the body, breath and mind as one coherent unity in which to relate to oneself and the world
through awareness and choice towards a personalized, powerful and efficient practice, and way to be in the world. Discover your own true potential to bring about radical deep change, create new habits, new ways of seeing, and clarity of mind through self-empowerment
“Yoga is an awareness, a type of knowing. Yoga will end in awareness. When the mind is without any movement, maybe for a quarter of an hour, or even quarter of a minute, you will realise that yoga is of the nature of infinite awareness, and infinite knowing”
– Sri T.Krishnamacharya

A symbol of evolution, individual and collective growth and representative of the cycles of Nature, the spiral moves from the outer consciousness (materialism and ego) to the inner essence of awareness (realization and enlightenment). Also from the inner to the outer, from something so small and internal to vast expansion, and possibility. It all begins with the Great Idea! Spirals are primal and raw, with a feminine element.
“The Heart of Empowered Practice”
Pure Nature Yoga is Awakening Resonance through Yoga, Mindfulness and Sound to Educate, Embody and Empower you. A unique synthesis of three main specialized areas integrated with knowledge of Tibetan Buddhism, Polyvagal Theory, the Elements of Nature, Spinal Movements, and Myofascial Release. This is what has formed the basis of Roni’s work, through her own self-exploration and teaching Yoga to thousands of modern day bodies, hearts and minds. The importance of ‘how’ you practice has become an essential inquiry for her over the years. Yoga has become way too linear and external in movement, compared to its original intent, a more breath-centred, relaxed internal experience.
The teaching draws from multiple disciplines of Hatha Yoga from the more meditative subtle energy practices to the more dynamic practices focused on the breath, mainly inspired by the teachings of the legendary Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Roni has studied with renowned masters such as A.G. Mohan, his wife Indra, and their son Ganesh since 2013, personal students of Sri T. Krishnamacharya for 18 years. The Mohan family are a rare and precious gem, and the leading authorities on Yoga Therapy and Ayurveda. In the last few years Roni’s studies have directed her towards the Himalayan Institute as an evolutionary force behind her teaching incorporating Tantric aspects. Other influences are Tias Little, Sarah Powers, Simon Borg-Olivier, and Uma Dinsmore-Tuli.
An ‘integrated’ Hatha Yoga practice of repetitive movements leading into static holds, vinyasa krama (intelligent sequencing), adaptations of postures, ratios of breath, bandha, mantra, bhavana, sound, self-inquiry, meditation and nervous system regulation practices. Taking a ‘function’ oriented approach over the textbook looking ‘form’ of asana, using breath as a powerful tool for restoring structural, functional and to shape the mind. We cultivate strong steady focus of the mind, in the postures and the principles of inner alignment through the breath, into a seamless moving meditation. Emphasis is placed on what is arising inside rather than getting the posture ‘right’ in a rigid way, to reveal the true essence of practice.
In soothing Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release sessions the elements and meridians (energy channels) from the Chinese Taoist system are utilized. This encourages healthy organ function and to harness internal energy. Roni works in a much more subtle way using breath, visualization, nervous system regulation techniques, mindful awareness, sound healing, as well as allowing very gentle sway movements before resting in stillness.
May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness
May all beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering
May all beings never be separated from the happiness that knows no suffering
May all beings live in equanimity, free from attachment and aversion
The Brahmaviharas (Four Immeasurables)
Maitri – Karuna – Mudita – Upeksha
Pure Nature Yoga offers Yoga, Sound and Mindfulness as highly effective therapeutic tools to educate, embody and empower individuals. Offering Holistic Yoga & Sound Teacher Trainings, Yoga Therapy, YACEP Workshops & Retreats
Phone: +66 949033077
Whatsapp: +66 949033077